𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗘_With the rise of the “small waste bag” trend, the size of bags from major brands is getting smaller and smaller. Fashionable people often have to prepare a large handbag to hold daily items such as mobile phones, water cups, umbrellas, etc. while carrying them to shape their looks. It seems that Y has heard everyone’s needs. This season, it has launched a new bag called ICARE, which is said to “hold everything in life”. The name originated from the Greek mythological figure Icarus. The three-dimensional letter combination in the center of Nappa sheepskin is avant-garde and has aura. Y’s creative director also said that this handbag will soon become the brand’s most eye-catching new model. For people who can’t rely on small handbags for daily travel, Icare’s spacious large capacity design and simple and clean shape must be very suitable for you!
Model: 698651
Large bag size: opening width 58cm
Bottom width 47cm
Height (with wrist) 61cm
Bottom side width 8cm
Small bag size: 27x13x8cm
Saint Laurent YSL 804483
𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗘_With the rise of the “small waste bag” trend, the size of bags from major brands is getting smaller and smaller. Fashionable people often have to prepare a large handbag to hold daily items such as mobile phones, water cups, umbrellas, etc. while carrying them to shape their looks. It seems that Y has heard everyone’s needs. This season, it has launched a new bag called ICARE, which is said to “hold everything in life”. The name originated from the Greek mythological figure Icarus. The three-dimensional letter combination in the center of Nappa sheepskin is avant-garde and has aura. Y’s creative director also said that this handbag will soon become the brand’s most eye-catching new model. For people who can’t rely on small handbags for daily travel, Icare’s spacious large capacity design and simple and clean shape must be very suitable for you!
Model: 698651
Large bag size: opening width 58cm
Bottom width 47cm
Height (with wrist) 61cm
Bottom side width 8cm
Small bag size: 27x13x8cm